Modern day IT demands fast customization and implementation of tools to gain competitive advantage. This trend has encouraged many companies to develop customized solutions, Citrix web interface is one of them. It makes IT relevant to the business instead of limiting IT executives and their teams to just modernizing their systems and optimizing business processes.
Today more than 200,000 organizations across the globe including all the fortune 100 companies swear by Citrix as it gives them the flexibility to change on demand, without changing their environment. Now with Customized Citrix Web Interface they can handle multiple challenges concurrently, and push the productivity and profits further.
Citrix has just posted Citrix Web Interface 4.6 for Windows and Unix/Linux web servers. It works the new Citrix Presentation Server™ 4.5. Citrix has brought many features with each of its new releases. This edition has the following new features:
citrix client - citrix metaframe
1. Client detection and deployment process - Often increased security restrictions in modern web browsers and operating systems make it difficult for users to download and deploy Citrix clients. But the new Citrix Web Interface provides client detection and deployment process detects which clients can be deployed within the users' environment and then guides them through the deployment procedure, reconfiguring their Web browser.
This helps users get optimal launch experience from even the most secure environments. The Web Interface and Conferencing Manager Guest Attendee sites benefit from the new client detection and deployment process.
2. Reconnection through workspace control - Now users can reconnect previously disconnected applications or applications currently being delivered to the user on some other client device, through workspace control. Workspace control ameliorates the security settings of Internet Explorer 7 to unblock the download of files that do not appear to be directly initiated by the user. In some critical situations where reconnection is not possible, users are given the option of reconfiguring their Internet Explorer security settings using the new client detection and deployment process.
3. Launch Persistent URLs - Using the persistent URL feature of Citrix Web Interface users can launch published applications directly using URLs. No need to browse the Web Interface application list. In scenarios where application launches are blocked by the security settings of Internet Explorer 7, users are presented with a clickable link to launch the application, quite in the manner that applications are launched from the application list.
4. Change password through the Program Neighborhood Agent - Citrix Web Interface user who log on to the Citrix Program Neighborhood Agent using explicitly supplied domain credentials now can change their Windows password if it expires, regardless of whether their computer is in the domain to which they are attempting to authenticate. This helps the users deploy the Program Neighborhood Agent such that client desktops in the workgroups can change their expired passwords by authenticating to the domain.
The above four are just the major new features. There are many such nitty gritty things that make Citrix Web interface a leading and necessary IT implementation.